
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Melt Off That Fat!

Sorry I've been away! I've been undergoing a makeover and hunting down beauty products all over the city!

Now, some people have busy schedules and may not have time to spent 2 hours in the gym every day. Familial life, work, cooking, cleaning, etc etc takes up a lot of time, doesn't it? When I have a packed day, I don't feel like working out either. I guess the only thing to do is to integrate exercise into your daily activities.

1. Light housework - (i.e. dusting or washing up)

These activities also burn little total calories - around 2-3*calories per minute. Higher percentages of fat will be utilised around 70%* of calories burned.

It may seem unusual to include these types of activities when trying to lose weight but they can be a great aid for speeding metabolism. For example performing more chores around the house regularly would increase activity therefore increase the energy expenditure for the day. Total calories burned would be much higher and result in a great amount of fat burned.

Adding these

kind of activities to an exercise program can accelerate the metabolism. When you start to lose weight fast you'll never look at housework in the same light again!



Walking is said to be one of the best exercises for losing weight. The percentage of fat burning is around the 55% ** mark, however as with all exercises it really depends on the intensity of effort.

Walking not only burns a good proportion of stored fat it can also burn a large amount of calories especially performed for longer durations and at a brisk pace. A good balance between the percentage of fat and the total calories burned should be the basis behind choosing any exercise for losing weight.


You can also try buying a used bicycle if you don't own one (try your local Craigslist ads or garage sales in your community) and biking to the grocery store or to work if it isn't a far distance. Bike to the postal office, etc. If you are getting groceries, I would recommend putting a basket or crate on your bike if it doesn't already come with one, rather than balancing the shopping bags on the handle bars as this may unbalance the bike and cause you to fall and get seriously injured!

While biking, it would be a nice idea to invest in a pair of light-weight lycra pants, a breathable cotton shirt, a stainless steel water bottle and a pair of sturdy running shoes!

You can also do sit-ups while watching TV during commercials. Just 15-20 situps can be a big deal over a week! Try to drink water instead of juices and pop for a week, and add lemon too!

Use the stairs instead of the escalator (I'm a big suck for escalators, I'll go out of my way to find out...but I have a long walk home; so maybe that's fair?) and if you are walking uphill....try to walk faster and tighten your glutes!

Use every opportunity in your day to burn that fat off. There's so many! Are you going to the park with a younger sister or son? Why don't you swing off the jungle gym with them? You will be getting toned arms and having fun too! Are you walking your daughter home from kindergarten? Why don't you guys race it to the front door? Did you just give birth? Well join a mothers jogging group and jog with your stroller.

I hate exercising, but if I can be active for 10 minutes during my day when I'd normally be sedentary, that's a start. If you really want to be thinner or look hotter, it does take some sacrifice. All good things do!

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